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EAN : 9781842700716
32 pages
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Livre en anglais

A little girl wants to visit her father AND she wants to learn to ride her bicycle, and it seems to her that she has the perfect reason to persuade him to teach her! She has all the usual trouble with balancing and speed control - but at last she is whipping down the path in the park screaming: 'It's all right - you can let go now!' But Dad sees his daughter speeding away from him, and he wonders whether she will really come back to h... >Voir plus
Que lire après Don't let go!Voir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (2) Ajouter une critique
Learning to ride a bike can be terrifying--for parent and child. Megan is understandably nervous about learning to ride her bike. What if the bike goes too fast and she falls? Daddy is patient and encouraging, letting her know she can wait until she's ready. And then it's time--Daddy lets go and Megan is off. Now Daddy is the nervous one. What if Megan doesn't come back? It's a big world out there, and he isn't ready to let her go. But Megan understands.
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her father watches as she speeds away from him and wonders if she will truly come back to him. The story leaves us with a sense of anticipation and curiosity about what will happen next. I think her father need to play traffic rider.

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Videos de Jeanne Willis (2) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Jeanne Willis
A virtual panel on the intersection of music and food, featuring Snacky Tunes in conversation with Isaac McHale and Daniel Willis (The Clove Club, Luca, Two Lights) and al Doyle (Hot Chip and LCD). Snacky Tunes: Music is the Main Ingredients, Chefs and Their Music is available now at
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Littérature jeunesse

Comment s'appelle le héros créé par Neil Gailman ?

Somebody Owens
Dead Owens
Nobody Owens
Baby Owens

10 questions
1535 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : jeunesse , littérature jeunesse , enfantsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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