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EAN : 9781788160674
288 pages
Serpent's Tail (03/10/2019)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
OBSERVER BEST FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR 2018SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2019 DYLAN THOMAS PRIZEOh friend, take my hand - I've been so lonely!One winter night in Prague, Helen Franklin encounters her friend Karel, half-mad with fear. He has come into possession of a mysterious old manuscript, filled with testimonies that speak to Helen from 17th-century England, wartime Czechoslovakia, the sweat-soaked streets of Manila and 1920's Turkey. All of them tell of being followed by... >Voir plus
Que lire après MelmothVoir plus

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Quel auteur inventa ces mots ?

On dit qu'il a introduit le mot spleen dans la littérature française Indice : Trop Fastoche

François Rabelais
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Eugène Ionesco
Hervé Bazin
Henri Michaux
Marguerite Yourcenar
Arthur Rimbaud
Henri Troyat
Charles Baudelaire
Boris Vian

10 questions
21 lecteurs ont répondu
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