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Broadview Press (19/09/2002)
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This Broadview edition pairs two of Frances Burney's linked comedies. They both present the character of Lady Smatter, a "femme savante" whose lineage may be traced back to Molière; they both centre on the misfortunes of the "elle" figure, the dispossessed heiress and wife who appears frequently in Burney's fiction; and they both criticize a culture of misogyny that breeds suspicion and resentment. The Witlings, lighter and more comic, derives from late seventeenth-... >Voir plus
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Mrs Sapient. Pray did your Ladyship ever read Dryden ?

Lady Smatter. Dryden ? O Yes ! – but I don’t just now recollect him ; - let’s see, what has he writ ?

Dabler. Cymon and Iphigenia.

Lady Smatter. O ay, so he did ; and really for the Time of Day I think it’s mighty pretty.

Dabler. Why yes, it’s well enough ; but it would not do now.

Mrs Sapient. Pray what does your Ladyship think of the Spectator ?

Lady Smatter. O, I like it vastly. I’ve just read it. […]

Lady Smatter. Next to Mr. Dabler, my favourite Poets are Pope and Swift.

Mrs. Sapient. Well, after all, I must confess I think there are as many pretty things in old Shakespeare as in any body.

Lady Smatter. Yes, but he is too common ; every body can speak well of Shakespeare !

Dabler. I vow I am quite sick of his Name.

Codger. Madam, to the best of my apprehension, I conceive your Ladyship hath totally mistaken that line of Pope which says
Most Women have no Character at all.

Lady Smatter. Mistaken ? how so, sir ? This is curious enough ! […]

Codger. By no Character, madam, he only means-

Lady Smatter. A bad Character, to be sure !

Codger. There, madam, lieth your Ladyship’s mistake ; he means, I say-

Lady Smatter. O dear Sir, don’t trouble yourself to tell me his meaning ; -I dare say I shall be able to make it out.
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Connaissez-vous vraiment Frances Burney?

Quel est le titre du premier roman publié de sa carrière?

Evelina or or, A Young Lady's Entrance into the World
Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an Heiress
The Witlings

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