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120 pages
? (22/07/2022)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
This is a Swift Hat-Trick Trilogy novella and can only be read after Lucky Hit. It is not a standalone.


Five friends, one tropical vacation.

It’s been a year since Oakley was drafted into the professional hockey league. Life has gotten a lot more complicated, not only for him and Ava, but also for his younger sister, Gracie, and their two closest friends.

Tyler is about to make his professional hockey d... >Voir plus
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Que lire après Swift Hat-Trick, tome 1.5 : Between PeriodsVoir plus
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I’ve learned that the bad doesn’t necessarily disappear once you’ve become accustomed to the good, but it sure does help drown it out. Still, there are times when the darkness shadows the light, and you fall back into the pit of despair that you’ve only recently climbed out of. For me, that happens when I’m the happiest, when I’m full of so much love, pride, and excitement that the fear of losing everything becomes a weight too heavy to bear, forcing me back into my protective shell.
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Les couples célèbres

Qui étaient "les amants du Flore" ?

Anaïs Nin et Henri Miller
Elsa Triolet et Aragon
Simone de Beauvoir et Jean-Paul Sartre
Paul Verlaine et Arthur Rimbaud

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