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EAN : 9780060874216
400 pages
Harper Teen (01/01/2010)
3.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Talia fell under a spell. . . .
Jack broke the curse.

I was told to beware the accursed spindle, but it was so enchanting, so hypnotic. . . .

I was looking for a little adventure the day I ditched my tour group. But finding a comatose town, with a hot-looking chick asleep in it, was so not what I had in mind.

I awakened in the same place but in another time—to a stranger's soft kiss.

I couldn't help ... >Voir plus
Que lire après A Kiss in TimeVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
For one year it stayed on my nightstand, came to me on holiday and was kept in my bag but I couldn't get passed the first few pages. Finally this Summer I read it all. Once you are in the story, it is a nice read. I love these kind of stories, adapted from fairy tales. This one has good ideas and the writing is not bad but it seems like it never hits the action... it was lacking some excitement. I still would recommend it, but you read it once and that is it.
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