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EAN : 9783836559089
304 pages
Taschen (01/05/2015)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
At first glance, Walton Ford's large-scale, highly-detailed watercolors of animals may recall the prints of 19th century illustrators John James Audubon and Edward Lear, and others of the colonial era. But a closer look reveals a complex and disturbingly anthropomorphic universe, full of symbols, sly jokes, and allusions to the "operatic" nature of traditional natural history themes. The beasts and birds populating this contemporary artist's life-size paintings are ... >Voir plus

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Vidéo de Walton Ford
“These are techniques that were developed in a time that if you wanted to write someone a letter you dipped your quill in ink.” —Walton Ford
Go behind the scenes with Walton Ford for the making of the intaglio etching, Granary, which depicts Acorn Woodpeckers guarding their cache of acorns as the Hollywood Hills—and the famed Stahl House—are threatened by wildfire. For more than two decades, Ford has turned to the 600-year-old technique for his editioned prints, collaborating with master printer Peter Pettengill at Wingate Studio. Limited to 100 numbered and signed copies, Granary is available exclusively from TASCHEN.
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