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Scooby Apocalypse tome 3 sur 6

Dale Eaglesham (Autre)
EAN : 978B07934DSRT
159 pages
DC (13/02/2018)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
You’ve never seen the Mystery Inc. gang like this before, as Fred, Velma, Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo seek answers to the mystery plague that turned the world into a monster-strewn wasteland!

But now something strange has happened to the marauding monsters—they’re suddenly all single-mindedly heading in one direction, almost like they’re under a spell! If someone has figured out a way to control the monsters, then finding out how could be the first... >Voir plus
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Quel auteur inventa ces mots ?

On dit qu'il a introduit le mot spleen dans la littérature française Indice : Trop Fastoche

François Rabelais
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Eugène Ionesco
Hervé Bazin
Henri Michaux
Marguerite Yourcenar
Arthur Rimbaud
Henri Troyat
Charles Baudelaire
Boris Vian

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