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EAN : 9780375724954
288 pages
Vintage (14/11/2000)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Eric Hansen was the first westerner ever to walk across the island of Borneo. Completely cut off from the outside world for seven months, he traveled nearly 1,500 miles with small bands of nomadic hunters known as Penan. Beneath the rain forest canopy, they trekked through a hauntingly beautiful jungle where snakes and frogs fly, pigs climb trees, giant carnivorous plants eat mice, and mushrooms glow at night. At once a modern classic of travel literature and a grip... >Voir plus

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Les Philosophes des Lumières

Dans Candide, quel philosophe optimiste est tourné en ridicule par Voltaire sous les traits de Pangloss ?


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