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EAN : 9798744528355
344 pages
Auto édition (26/04/2021)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Alliances are made. Loyalty is owned. Love is taken.
I’ll show everyone I’m a threat, and they will fear me.
For my family. I have to protect them.

The second I hear the name Damien Vetrov I know I’m in trouble.
He’s an arrogant Russian God.
Only, I have zero intention of bowing to him. Ever.
Attractive and lethal. He’s such an intoxicating mixture.

Every second we spend together, the pull between us b... >Voir plus

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Oscar et la dame Rose

Qui a écrit ce livre?

Eric Shmitt
Eric-Emmanuel Shmitt
Emanuel Shmitt
Jean Voyage Shmitt

10 questions
290 lecteurs ont répondu
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