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EAN : 9781785037559
288 pages
Ebury Press (15/03/2018)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Writer, fashion alchemist and modern witch, Gabriela Herstik, unlocks the ancient art of witchcraft so that you can find a brand of magick that works for you.

From working with crystals, tarot and astrology, to understanding sex magick, solstices and full moons; learn how to harness energy, unleash your inner psychic and connect with the natural world.

Full of spells and rituals for self-care, new opportunities and keeping away toxic en... >Voir plus

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Harry Potter en 20 questions

Quel train prend Harry pour aller à Poudlard ?

Thomas le train
Poudlard Express

20 questions
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