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Citations sur Abracadabra (1)

His name was Abdullah Akbahr. With my encouragement, he would write several interesting short stories. One, I remember, was supposedly the autobiography of a talking deer in the National Forest who has a terrible time finding anything to eat in winter and gets tangled in barbed wire during the summer months, trying to get at the delicious food on farms. He is shot by a hunter. As he dies he wonders why he was born in the first place. The final sentence of the story was the last thing the deer said on Earth. The hunter was close enough to hear it and was amazed. This was it:
“What the blankety-blank was that supposed to be all about?”
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    Les personnages de Tintin

    Je suis un physicien tête-en-l'air et un peu dur d'oreille. J'apparais pour la première fois dans "Le Trésor de Rackham le Rouge". Mon personnage est inspiré d'Auguste Piccard (un physicien suisse concepteur du bathyscaphe) à qui je ressemble physiquement, mais j'ai fait mieux que mon modèle : je suis à l'origine d'un ambitieux programme d'exploration lunaire.

    Le Capitaine Haddock
    Le Professeur Tournesol
    Dupond et Dupont
    Le Général Alcazar
    L'émir Ben Kalish Ezab
    La Castafiore
    Oliveira da Figueira
    Séraphin Lampion
    Le docteur Müller
    Le colonel Sponsz

    15 questions
    5237 lecteurs ont répondu
    Thèmes : bd franco-belge , bande dessinée , bd jeunesse , bd belge , bande dessinée aventure , aventure jeunesse , tintinophile , ligne claire , personnages , Personnages fictifsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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