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John Lasseter (Autre)
EAN : 9781452156439
160 pages
Chronicle Books (01/10/2017)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The Art of Coco presents the story behind the making of Pixar's Academy Award-winning film Coco. Filled with concept art and insights from the creative team who worked on the film, this book overflows with insights into the process behind Pixar's unique and engaging vision.

The Art of Coco explores the behind-the-scenes details about the making of the film and production art that brings the mesmerizing story to life in a brand new way.
A must-h... >Voir plus

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The twits (fr: les deux gredins)

Quelle est la première farce que Mme Gredins fait à Mr Gredins?

L'oeil de verre
La grenouille
Mme Gredins rétrécies

8 questions
25 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Les Deux Gredins de Roald DahlCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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