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EAN : 9780670283859
155 pages
Viking Pr (01/06/1956)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The illustrator Andrew Loomis (1892-1959) is revered amongst artists - including the great American painter Norman Rockwell and comics superstar Alex Ross - for his mastery of figure drawing and clean, Realist style.
His hugely influential series of art instruction books have never been bettered.

Drawing the Head and Hands is the second in Titan's programme of facsimile editions, returning these classic titles to print for the first time in de... >Voir plus
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Les super-héros et super-héroïnes de comics

Eternel amoureux de Loïs Lane, il vient de Krypton :


15 questions
610 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : bande dessinée , super-héros , comicsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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