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EAN : 9780008217297
384 pages
HQ Young Adult (18/05/2017)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Feather Tucker has two wishes :

1) To get her mum healthy again

2) To win the Junior UK swimming championships

When Feather comes home on New Year’s Eve to find her mother – one of Britain’s most obese women - in a diabetic coma, she realises something has to be done to save her mum’s life. But when her Mum refuses to co-operate Feather realises that the problems run deeper than just her mum’s unhealthy appetite.
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
J'ai beaucoup aimé ce livre aux personnages aussi touchants et intrigants que colorés. Un autre roman marquant de Virginia MacGregor !
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Citations et extraits (11) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
'Sit down for a moment'. She kneels in front of me and unscrews her mascara wand. 'The secret is to enhance your beauty, not to distort it. And to be true to your character.'
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Mrs Zas has been teaching me basic waltz steps when the shop's quiet. It turns out that being clumsy doesn't affect dancing that much.
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Jack says he likes being an only child but I wish I had brothers and sisters. It gets lonely being stuck between Mum and Dad. I mean, I love them, but I wish that there were someone to share stuff with, especially the bad stuff.
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Depression is sneaky. It hides, waiting for something to happen to knock you off your stride and then it pounces. And once it strikes, it swallows you whole.
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(…) when you see a couple that are meant to be together, their edges go blurry and they kind of meld together and become more like one person than two (…)
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autres livres classés : obésité morbideVoir plus
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Quiz Voir plus

Coupe du monde de rugby : une bd à gagner !

Quel célèbre écrivain a écrit un livre intitulé Rugby Blues ?

Patrick Modiano
Denis Tillinac
Mathias Enard
Philippe Djian

10 questions
862 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : rugby , sport , Coupe du mondeCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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