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Critiques filtrées sur 4 étoiles  
J'ai lu ce livre en anglais dans un hotel pour routards au cours d'un voyage au Népal, et j'en garde un souvenir impérissable. Je serai très heureuse de pouvoir le relire !
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In 1956, two friends decide to go on a trip to Nuristan. Nuristan ? A remote province of Eastern Afghanistan surrounded by mountains, called Kafiristan, Land of Infidels, until it was forcibly converted to Islam in 1895 and became Nuristan, Land of Light. So these friends get their gear together and go, after two days of climbing in Scotland, to ascend the Mir Samir, 5809 m. They fail at 170 m from the top, but this does not affect the story. As Eric Newby's companion points out : “…his (Eric's) story is about the way we travelled rather than what we achieved”. And the way they travelled was incredible. Nearly no equipment at the time, it seems, local food and water giving them dysentery, banal boots and gym shoes, bare-handed. The local populations, the people they took with them, everything is related with precision, humour and wit. This is a book I would have never picked up in a library, travel stories not being my cup of tea, but I took loads of pleasure in reading the adventures of these two men, laughing a lot and learning about this place I had never heard of.
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Formidable récit de voyage, plein d'humour anglais de première classe.
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Voyage en Italie

Stendhal a écrit "La Chartreuse de ..." ?


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