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EAN : 9781574902921
260 pages
Thomas T. Beeler, Publlisher (01/01/1999)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
When a high school senior shows signs of mental illness, Amanda attempts to get him help, but she's rebuffed by his parents. When the same boy then becomes the prime suspect in a murder at the Philadelphia Main Library, and runs away, Amanda, who knows he's confused and in need of help—whether or not he committed the crime—has no choice but to run after him. And to run into the possibility of becoming the next victim herself.
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It’s nearly impossible to have a truly successful squabble in a loft without divider walls. There’s the bathroom and the bedroom and that’s it. I used to live in a tiny three-story warren of undersized rooms. It had its problems, but you could storm off and sulk without exposure to the elements. Here it was much more challenging.
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She wasn’t a particularly good actress, but I hoped the kids didn’t notice. Which showed how deluded I was trying to be. Of course the kids would notice. Kids’ radar is astounding, a survival mechanism. It’s only when we age that we dumb down and pretend clear evidence isn’t so.
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I picked up the phone, surprised when the voice on the other end was my sister’s. Beth, the suburban matron who believed that calls after nine P.M. were an intrusion, an affront against civilization and family life.
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Most likely the library’s seven stories’ worth of information could fit in a laptop computer, but I don’t care. I love the shape and feel and heft of books.
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One thing I have had the chance to learn—over and over again, alas—is that no matter how staggering and stupefying the events of your (okay, my) life may be, it pretty much doesn’t matter to the rest of the universe.
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Vidéo de Gillian Roberts
Gillian Roberts talks about the end of her character Amanda Pepper.
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