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EAN : 9780786249107
285 pages
Thorndike Press (01/01/2002)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
After the sudden death of a teacher at a prestigious English prep school for girls, Mrs. Malory gets shanghaied into being a substitute teacher. It's not long, however, before Mrs. Malory realizes there is something strange about the teacher's untimely death--and something even stranger about the eerily obedient students.
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
“Stimulating,” like “challenging,” is a word I do not greatly care for, since it implies a greater degree of effort and commitment than I am usually prepared to give.
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“The real country, as you call it, has many disadvantages,” I said with feeling. “Unreliable septic tanks, floods in winter and dried-up wells in summer, not to mention an electricity supply so delicate that a brief flurry of the lightest snow can cast one into darkness for days!”
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(…) After all,” she added with solemnity that sat oddly upon a teenage girl, “we all know that drink can be just as destructive as drugs, but people never seem to face up to the fact.
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Londres et la littérature

Dans quelle rue de Londres vit Sherlock Holmes, le célèbre détective ?

Oxford Street
Baker Street
Margaret Street
Glasshouse Street

10 questions
1053 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature , littérature anglaise , londresCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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