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EAN : 9781787333925
224 pages
Jonathan Cape (10/08/2023)
3.5/5   1 notes
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Girl is preparing a PhD on the work of Sylvia Plath and has been awarded a scholarship for a residency in Scotland. Born into a Malaysian-Chinese family who moved to Australia the day before her birth, a Girl must carry the legacy of her parents' country but also find her own identity. Where is the balance between the straight-A student and the messy and unfocused young woman ? The scholarship will take her away from her family, allowing her to understand better what they mean to her. She also develops a strange friendship with one of the other guest artists, which makes Girl uneasy and lost. Reflexions on the meaning of family, male behaviour, skin colour and being a writer swirl in this fresh coming-of-age novel.
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My tears are sad but also red, welted with the hot rush, and I think: This anger, then, is my inheritance. My anger is the sin of the father falling to the third and the fourth generations; my anger is my inheritance, my gold, my power in weakness.
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