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EAN : 9781838661526
448 pages
Phaidon (18/11/2021)

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Que lire après Annie Leibovitz : WonderlandVoir plus

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Vidéo de Annie Leibovitz
Los Angeles, CA (2014) — On the evening of February 26th, Vanity Fair, Leon Max, and TASCHEN hosted a star-studded launch party at Hollywood's Chateau Marmont to celebrate the release of Annie Leibovitz's limited-edition SUMO sized book. The highly-anticipated book and moving tribute to Annie's prodigious career, was unveiled at the event for the first time and presented to guests on its custom-made tripod stand designed by Marc Newson. The legendary Chateau Marmont has been the setting for many of Annie's portraits and Annie was invited to curate an exclusive exhibition featuring prints from the book, which adorned the library, patio, and various rooms around the hotel, even the bathrooms.
The red-carpet entry saw movie stars, moguls and filmmakers rub shoulders as they were welcomed into the Chateau Marmont's bohemian lobby and garden. Guests featured in the book, including Quincy Jones, Sylvester Stallone, David Spade and Michael Richards of “Seinfeld” fame, perused its pages for the first time alongside David Hockney, Kelly Lynch, Melanie Griffith, Mario Testino, Terry Richardson, Matt Groening and hundreds of other guests who all came out to celebrate such a momentous occasion.
© all photos: Lester Cohen/Getty Images for Vanity Fair
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Evidement, on commence par ..#.. .

Premier album
First Album

15 questions
3 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : musique , barbapapa , blues , espagnol , histoireCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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