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EAN : 9780300248937
1008 pages
Yale University Press (22/10/2019)
5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
This history of modern Iran is not a survey in the conventional sense but an ambitious exploration of the story of a nation. It offers a revealing look at how events, people, and institutions are shaped by currents that sometimes reach back hundreds of years. The book covers the complex history of the diverse societies and economies of Iran against the background of dynastic changes, revolutions, civil wars, foreign occupation, and the rise of the Islamic Republic.<... >Voir plus
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The shah possessed kingly “charisma” (farr or farrah). The royal “charisma” radiating from the king’s countenance (the term charisma in European languages probably is derived from the Persian xoreh, “sun ray”) was divinely bestowed upon the ruler of the right “quality” (Persian gohar), but it could be taken away from him if he lost the art of governing (in Persian honar, a word of the same origin as “honor”). Deprived of charisma, the shah would ultimately be deposed by popular revolt, dynastic contestants, or foreign invaders.
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