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EAN : 9780008272111
448 pages
The Borough Press (08/01/2019)
4.07/5   14 notes
Résumé :
Imagine you could erase grief.
Imagine you could remove pain.
Imagine you could hide the darkest, most horrifying secret.

Young Emmett Farmer is working in the fields when a strange letter arrives summoning him away from his family. He is to begin an apprenticeship as a Bookbinder—a vocation that arouses fear, superstition, and prejudice among their small community but one neither he nor his parents can afford to refuse.<... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Imaginez pouvoir cacher et vous cachez de vos hontes, vos secrets et vos pires expériences en les emprisonnants dans un livre créant ainsi une histoire, votre histoire, un morceau de votre vie qui vous sera ainsi arracher de la conscience et de la mémoire.
Avouez que c'est tentant comme teasing ? 😏
Maintenant vous comprenez pourquoi j'avais vraiment hâte de découvrir ce roman.

Je pensais vraiment que ce livre allait me plaire mais j'avoue avoir été un peu déçue de ma lecture. La première partie m'a plus, le plot tournait autour des idées évoquées dans le résumé. Ensuite nous nous sommes un peu égaré de cet aspect pourtant si original « d'emprisonner » des souvenirs dans un livre au profit de l'instauration de conflit et de romance queer. Après j'ai tout de même bien aimé certains retournements de situation et la romance qui s'est installée dans l'histoire mais j'ai toutefois regretté que le plot de base ne soient pas davantage au centre des choses. Pour moi il aurai du être plus exploité.
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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
When the letter came I was out in the fields, binding up my last sheaf of wheat with hands that were shaking so much I could hardly tie the knot. It was my fault we'd had to do it the old-fashioned way, and I'd be damned if I was going to give up now; I had battled through the heat of the afternoon, blinking away the patches of darkness that flickered at the sides of my vision, and now it was nightfall and I was almost finished. The others had left when the sun set, calling good-
byes over their shoulders, and I was glad. At least now I was alone I didn't have to pretend I could work at the same pace as them. I kept going, trying not to think about how easy it would have been with the reaping machine. I'd been too ill to check the machinery - not that I remembered much, between the flashes of lucidity, the summer was nothing but echoes and ghosts and dark aching gaps - and no one else had thought to do it, either. Every day I stumbled on some chore that hadn't been done; Pa had done his best, but he couldn't do everything. Because of me, we'd be behind
all year. I pulled the stems tight round the waist of the sheaf and stacked it against the others. Done.
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Maybe I should have followed him ; but somehow it went from too soon to toon late, without the right moment in between.
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