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Dark Days tome 3 sur 6
EAN : 9780061542886
384 pages
Harper Voyager (29/09/2009)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The dawn brings new terror for the creatures of the night . . .

Those of her race fear Mira for the lethal fire she bends to her will—a power unique among nightwalkers, both a gift . . . and a curse.

The naturi despise Mira for what she is—as they prepare the final sacrifice that will destroy the barriers between the worlds. And once the naturi are unchained, blood, chaos, and horror will reign supreme on Earth.

Mira can ... >Voir plus
Que lire après Dark Days, tome 3 : DawnbreakerVoir plus

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Quiz Voir plus

Vous avez dit vampires ?

Qui a écrit "Dracula" ?

Oscar Wilde
Bram Stoker
Arthur Conan Doyle
Mary Selley

15 questions
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