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EAN : 9780857681003
348 pages
Titan Books (12/08/2011)

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Résumé :
A truck full of illegal Mexican immigrants slaughtered with supernatural force is found by the side of a road. Trying to find answers, Sam and Dean are plunged into the dangerous world that exists along the Mexican border.

They encounter a tattooed, pistol-packing bandita on a motorcycle who seems be everywhere they go before they get there. Xochi Cazadora draws them into a whole new world of monsters...

A Supernatural novel that revea... >Voir plus
Que lire après Supernatural : Coyote's KissVoir plus
Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
You know, Dean said, gesturing with his uninjured hand. If we were in an action movie, this would be the scene where you tenderly dress my wounds. then the wailing guitar ballad would kick in and we'd end up rolling around on the bed in a slow motion montage.

If I were in Q, The Winged Serpent, Xochi replied, this would be the scene where I sacrifice you to Quetzalcoatl.
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Dean had never quite imagined his life might end like this. Naked in a Tijuana brothel with an eighty-year-old woman dressed like Janine from Spinal Tap sizing up his junk and looking distinctly unimpressed. He really wished the room wasn't so heavily air-conditioned.
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Videos de Christa Faust (5) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Christa Faust
Christa Faust - Money shot .Christa Faust vous présente son ouvrage "Money shot" aux éditions Gallmeister. Retrouvez le livre : Note de musique : ©Mollat Visitez le site : Suivez la librairie mollat sur les réseaux sociaux : Facebook : Twitter : Instagram : Dailymotion : Vimeo : Pinterest : Tumblr : Soundcloud: Blogs :
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Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets (facile)

Que fait Dobby pour dissuader Harry de retourner à Poudlard ?

Il lui a volé sa baguette.
Il a intercepté ses lettres.
Il a mis le feu à son balai.
Il le menace de jeter un sort à Hedwige.

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Thème : Harry Potter, tome 2 : Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets de J. K. RowlingCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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