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EAN : 9780451118387
Signet (01/01/1928)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
They came from Texas : the Gillettes, the Wyatts, and countless other ranchers, driving their cattle hard, determined to stake their claims to the open grazing lands of the Dakota territory. But before the dust had settled, the cheating and killing began. First Tom Gillette was betrayed by his own trail boss, San Saba, his chosen land forfeited to the Wyatts. Then San Saba murdered Tom's father, starting a blood feud that would only end when one of them was dead. Bu... >Voir plus
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Colonel Wyatt had raised her as he would have raised a boy, he had talked to her in the rough, shoulder-to-shoulder manner he would have talked to any other man, sparing few words. It was his boast that she equalled any puncher he had ever hired. (...) She had his blood, his recklessness, she had his love of life.
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Nature writing

Quel philosophe est considéré comme le fondateur du Nature writing?

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Benjamin Franklin

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100 lecteurs ont répondu
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