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EAN : 9781569473016
368 pages
SohoCrime,US (01/07/2003)
4/5   1 notes
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Chief Inspector Chen has to deal with two cases at the same time. First, a body is found in a park with 18 axe wounds, and then he has to try to find a woman who has disappeared. The woman is the wife of a witness to a human-snuggling traffic, imprisoned in the USA. So, on top of all of this, Chen has to deal with a U.S. Marshall, Catherine Rohn, who has come to fetch the woman. Juggling between Chinese politics, being a good cop and dealing with the sentimental tension between him and Catherine, Chen has a lot on his plate. Full of Confucian references, Chinese history and Chinese food, a very enjoyed reading.
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Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
- Can you explain a Chinese proverb for me, Chief Inspector Chen – Mogao yice, daogao yizhang?”
” – The literal translation is this : The devil is ten inches tall, and the way, or justice, is a hundred inches tall. In other words, powerful as evil is, justice will prevail. The original proverb actually read the other way around. The ancient Chinese sage had been more pessimistic about the power of the evil.
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Videos de Xiaolong Qiu (6) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Xiaolong Qiu
À l'occasion de la 19ème édition du salon "Lire en Poche" à Gradignan, Qiu Xiaolong vous présente son ouvrage "Amour, meurtre et pandémie" aux éditions Liana Lévi.
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Jouons avec Clark Gable

D'après le roman Night Bus de Samuel Hopkins Adams, Gable triomphe dans l'un des premières comédies loufoques (screwball comedy) du cinéma. Ce film américain réalisé par Frank Capra en 1934 avec Claudette Colbert s'intitule:

Paris Roubaix
New-York Miami
Los Angeles San Francisco

8 questions
9 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : acteur , hollywood , cinema , adapté au cinéma , adaptation , littérature , culture généraleCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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