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Camorra Chronicles tome 2 sur 6
EAN : 9798363749841
341 pages
Auto édition (14/11/2022)
4.38/5   4 notes
Résumé :
Nino Falcone is genius and monster. As the right hand man and brother of the Capo of the Camorra, his lack of feelings is a blessing, not a curse – until his brother asks him to marry for the sake of the Camorra.
Kiara Vitiello, cousin of the Capo of the New York Famiglia, is chosen to marry Nino Falcone to prevent war with the Camorra, but what she hears about Las Vegas makes her veins pulse with terror. After her father betrayed his Capo and paid with his l... >Voir plus
Que lire après Camorra Chronicles, tome 2 : Twisted EmotionsVoir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
- Then why are you furious if it's not because someone stole what you wanted for yourself?
- Because someone stole what you weren't willing to give, he murmured.
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