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EAN : 9781596063136
72 pages
Subterranean Press (21/06/2010)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
This is not a book for children.

It looks like a children's book. It has pictures. It has a saccharine-sweet title. The main characters are a little girl and her teddy bear. But all of that is just protective coloration. The truth is, this is a book for adults with a dark sense of humor and an appreciation of old-school faerie tales.

There are three separate endings to the book. Depending on where you stop, you are left with an entirely... >Voir plus
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Videos de Patrick Rothfuss (6) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Patrick Rothfuss
On his latest Twitch stream, Patrick Rothfuss answers the fan question about releasing date of the book 3 and more! (28 April 2020)
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La fantasy pour les nuls

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9 questions
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