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EAN : 9780749323103
288 pages
Mandarin Paperbacks (01/01/1993)
2.5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
A moving, poignant and unforgettable novel of life and love, "Border Music" is the rich, complex tale of Texas Jack Carmine, a man who inspires others to take risks and reach beyond the borders in their lives...while his own heart is chained to the past by a tragedy he cannot overcome.
It is also the tale of Linda, a woman trying desperately to support her three-year-old daughter- by any means possible, Jack and Linda fall irrevocably in love but can their at... >Voir plus
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When this nameless piece a 'shit tore off Linda Lobo's G-string instead of sticking money in it like he was supposed to, Texas Jack Carmine went crazy-over-the-edge and hit him with a pool cue. Four hours later and two hundred miles down the road, Jack bought coffee and sweet rolls in Chisolm for him and Linda.
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Dead or Alive ?

Harlan Coben

Alive (vivant)
Dead (mort)

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