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Jedi Quest tome 9 sur 11
EAN : 9780439339247
160 pages
Scholastic (01/03/2004)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The planet of Romin is a hotbed of villainy and corruption. It is a refuge for criminals from across the galaxy—including evil scientist Jenna Zan Arbor, an arch-enemy of the Republic.

In order to foil Zan Arbor's insidious plans, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and a team of Jedi must infiltrate Romin—disguised as a band of thieves. Where lawlessness is the law, the Jedi will have to master the art of deception to trap a master deceiver.
Que lire après Jedi Quest, tome 9 : The Changing of the GuardVoir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
"Do you envy him?" Obi-Wan asked.
"I suppose all the students do, in a way," Ferus said. "He is the Chosen One. But what worries me is his will. Ferus hesitated. "His power is so great that he thinks his judgement is as well. You saw his arguments tonight. He argues against you without hearing you. He thinks he can change situations, beings. Maybe he can't do it alone, not yet. But someday he will. Should we trust someone who always believes he speaks with the voice of absolute right?"
That is it, Obi-Wan thought. That is what I see. What surprised him what that it was coming out of the mouth of one of Anakin's peers, a boy only a year or two older than Anakin, someone who had only been on a couple of mission with him.
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