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EAN : 9781990555220
418 pages
Winter Publishing House (10/08/2022)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
"Deck the halls with bells and folly..."
Helen Bell has changed since facing off with Mara Rouge in the Quarrel of Sword and Bone. But so has Winter.
When a Timepiece crosses the intersect to give Helen a set of three warnings in the form of a puzzle, she's forced to re-enter the world she thought she might never see again to solve it before she meets a deadly end.
But things are different in Winter. Things that were once proudly colorful have b... >Voir plus
Que lire après A Heart as Red as PaintVoir plus

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De Diderot : "Les bijoux …...."

de la reine

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