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Ben Hatke (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9781250071699
256 pages
Feiwel & Friends (06/09/2016)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
With her great-aunt Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle off searching for her missing pirate husband, Missy Piggle-Wiggle has arrived at the magical upside-down house to look after the old place and the animals that live there. Families in town soon realize that, like her great-aunt, Missy has both magical and practical cures for children's (mis)behaviors.
Before long, Missy is finding solutions to everyday problems such as greediness, gum smacking, and Whatever-itis..... >Voir plus
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Que lire après Missy Piggle-Wiggle and the Whatever CureVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Missy Piggle-Wiggle est une magicienne qui possède des remèdes indolores et particulièrement originaux pour corriger les défauts et les mauvaises habitudes des enfants. Ce roman fait suite à une série écrite par Betty MacDonald, créatrice du personnage principal, Missy Piggle-Wiggle. C'est en collaboration avec Annie Parnell (arrière-petite-fille de Betty MacDonald) que l'auteure Ann M. Martin a relevé ce défi. Humour, gentillesse, compassion et imagination sont au rendez-vous. Et les superbes illustrations de Ben Hatke sont un bonus non négligeable. Bref, ce fut un plaisir de lire cette histoire.
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"Oh dear. It's that bad, is it?"
"Well," Missy began, and paused, thinking about what to say. One had to be diplomatic when discussing people's children. "Not only does Frankfort need to curb his behavior, but he needs to stop hurting and annoying others."
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Living with Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle were Wag the dog, Lightfoot the cat, Penelope the talking Parrot, and Lester the pig, who didn't talk but had exquisite manners and also liked to drink four or five cups of coffee at every meal.
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Melody looked directly at Missy. "The bookstore?"
"Aha! You're a reader," said Missy.
"How can you tell?"
"By your eyes. True readers look fond and excited when the subject of books and bookstores comes up."
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Since Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle was indeed magic, she kept a cupboard stocked with potions and powders and vapory things meant to cure children of any number of bad habits.
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MISSY PIGGLE-WIGGLE SAT in the rocking chair on her front porch and ruminated, which is an unnecessarily adult way of saying she was thinking things over.
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Des romans sur une ile

Roman de l'auteur anglais William Golding publié en 1954 qui montre la fragilité de la civilisation. Il décrit le parcours régressif d'enfants livrés à eux-mêmes.

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L'Île au trésor
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L’Île du jour d’avant
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10 questions
114 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : îles , mer , navire , pirates , corsaires , marinsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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