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Citations sur Poèmes et chansons (9)

Story of Isaac
The door it opened slowly
My father he came in
I was nine years old
Then he stood so tall above me
Blue eyes they were shining
And his voice was very cold
Said I've had a vision
And you know I'm strong and holy
I must do what I've been told.
So we started up to the mountain
I was running he was walking
He knew I would not hide.

You who sacrifice your children
Forgive me if inquire: just according to whose plan?
A scheme is not a vision
And you never have been tempted
By a demon or a god
You who stand above them now
Your hatchets blunt and bloody
You must not do it any more.

When it all comes down to dust
I will kill you if I must
I will help you if I can

When it all comes down to dust
I will help you if I must
I will kill you if I can
Commenter  J’apprécie          236
Susan takes you down
To her place near the river
You can hear the boats go by
You can stand the night beside her
And you know that she's half crazy
And that's you want to be there
And she feeds you tea and oranges
That come all the way from China
And just when you mean to tell her
That you have no love to give her
Then she gets you on her wave length
And she lets the river answer
That you've always been her lover.
And you want to travel with her
And you want to travel blind
And you know you can trust her
For she's touched you perfect body
With her mind.

Commenter  J’apprécie          99
And I swear it happened just like this:
A sigh, a cry, a hungry kiss
The Gates of Love they budged an inch
I can't say much has happened since
But closing time...
And I missed you since the place got wrecked
And I just don't care what happens next
Looks like freedom but it feels like death
It's something in between, I guess
It's closing time...
Commenter  J’apprécie          90
I loved you in the morning
our kisses deep and wild
your hair upon the pillow
like a sleepy golden storm
you know my love goes with you
as your love stays with me
it's just the way it changes
like the shore line and the sea
but let's not talk of love or chains
and things we can't untie
your eyes are soft with sorrow
hey that's no way to say goodbye
I'm not looking for another
as I wander in my time
but walk me to the corner
our steps will always rhyme
many loved before us
I know that we are not new
in cities and in forests
they smile like me and you
but now it's come to distances
and both of us must try
your eyes are soft with sorrow
hey that's no way to say goodbye
Commenter  J’apprécie          90
There is a crack in everythin', that's how the light gets in.
Commenter  J’apprécie          80
J'ai deux pains de savon,
au parfum d'amande,
un pour toi et un pour moi
Prépare le bain,
chacun va laver l'autre.
Je n'ai pas d'argent,
j'ai tué le pharmacien.
Et voici un flacon d'huile
tout comme dans la Bible.
Vines reposer dans mes bras,
je ferai briller ta chair.
Je n'ai pas d'argent,
j'ai tué le parfumeur.
Regarde par la fenêtre
les boutiques et les gens.
Dis moi ce que tu désires
tu l'auras dans l'heure.
Je n'ai pas d'argent,
je n'ai pas d'argent.
Commenter  J’apprécie          60
It seems so long ago,
Nancy was alone,
looking at the Late Late show
through a semi-precious stone.
In the House of Honesty
her father was on trial,
in the House of Mystery
there was no one at all,
there was no one at all.

It seems so long ago,
none of us were strong;
Nancy wore green stockings
and she slept with everyone.
She never said she'd wait for us
although she was alone,
I think she fell in love for us
in nineteen sixty one,
in nineteen sixty one.

It seems so long ago,
Nancy was alone,
a forty five beside her head,
an open telephone.
We told her she was beautiful,
we told her she was free
but none of us would meet her in
the House of Mystery,
the House of Mystery.

And now you look around you,
see her everywhere,
many use her body,
many comb her hair.
In the hollow of the night
when you are cold and numb
you hear her talking freely then,
she's happy that you've come,
she's happy that you've come.
Commenter  J’apprécie          51
Je ne veux pas qu'on me tienne comme un ivrogne
sous le robinet glacé des faits .
Commenter  J’apprécie          50
We're only passing through
Commenter  J’apprécie          20

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