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EAN : 9780099571902
160 pages
Red Fox (01/09/1988)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
'Don't stray into the Quartermile Field. Any animal with sense avoids the spot,' warns Sammy's mother. But Sammy is curious - about the Field, and about his father, the fierce, wild father he's never met. Then one day Sammy discovers that his father has returned. And determined to track him down, Sammy sets off towards the strange, wild land of Quatermile Field - and into a very different and dangerous world . . .
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Animals of Farthing Wood - d'après Colin Dann
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Dans quelle pièce de W. Shakespeare le héros est confronté avec le spectre de son père ?

Le marchand de Venise
Richard II
Titus Andronicus

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