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EAN : 9798401685346
448 pages
Auto édition (13/01/2022)
3.58/5   6 notes
Résumé :
One celebrity diva in trouble. Three overprotective bodyguards determined to keep her safe.

As one of the world’s most hated celebrities, I’m used to unwanted attention. But when I wake up one morning to find a mysterious man has broken into my house, I know I need security, fast. Enter “The Angels”, my three ex-military bodyguards:

Glen, the Scottish sweetheart with the scarred face and gentle hands.
Kenta, the long-haired soldi... >Voir plus
Que lire après Triple-Duty BodyguardsVoir plus
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To function in society, you need to believe that you’re safe. We all know it’s a lie, but it’s a lie you need to believe to survive. Realistically, everybody knows that they’ll die one day. Everybody knows that, every second, around the world, people are getting killed, and assaulted, and robbed, and hurt. At this very moment, people are losing their kids, being run over, getting diagnosed with terminal illnesses. We’re living in a motherfucking horror movie, but most people can convince themselves that they’re safe. And they go about their lives, thinking about money, and their annoying neighbours, and celebrity gossip, like any of that fucking matters.
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La famille

Dans « Orgueil et préjugés » de Jane Austen, les époux Bennett n’ont eu que des filles. Mais combien sont-elles ?


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