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EAN : 9781368068000
272 pages
Disney Lucasfilm Press (01/03/2022)
4/5   2 notes
Résumé :
The Jedi think the dreaded Nihil marauders have been all but defeated. Their leader is on the run and their numbers have dwindled. Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh hopes this means she will finally have time to really train her Padawan, Imri Cantaros―but reports of a Nihil attack on Port Haileap soon dash those hopes. For not only have the Nihil attacked the peaceful outpost, they have abducted Vernestra and Imri’s friend, Avon Starros. The two Jedi set off for Port... >Voir plus
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le bourgeois gentilhomme

comment s'appelle le personnage principal ?

monsieur Jourdain

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