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EAN : 978B009UCQN4G
134 pages
Ulan Press (31/08/2012)
3/5   2 notes
Résumé :
My intention in writing this little book has been to describe Mont St. Michel, omitting nothing that will give the reader help to understand and appreciate to the full the marvel of its beauty.

It should be borne in mind, however, that Mont St. Michel, which is one of the great masterpieces of French architecture, is also an historical foundation and a beacon of the Catholic faith. And so I have felt it incumbent upon me to give the reader a short ske... >Voir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
After his victories, Charles VII began to consider how he could best pay his tribute to the Mount for its share in them.

On the death of Jolivet, who had retired to Rouen to be with his triends the English, the monks had chosen for their Abbot Jean Gonault, their Prior, but, in spite of the valuable service he had performed during the late war, the king preferred to ask the Pope to nominate Cardinal Jean d'Estouteville, brother of the defender of the Mount. With the humility for which he was celebrated, Gonault resigned his bishopric and became a simple monk once more. For the first time in their history, the king of France withheld from the Benedictines their right of electing their own Superior, but, in doing so, he had the intention of giving them a prince of the Church, who, besides, was a man of distinction.
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