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EAN : 9780949206244
Fremantle Arts Centre Press (01/12/1987)
4/5   4 notes
Résumé :
In 1982 Sally Morgan travelled to her grandmother's birthplace, Corunna Downs Station in Western Australia. She wants to trace the experiences of her childhood andolescence in Perth in the 1950's. Through memories and images, hints and echoes begin to emerge and another story unfolds - the mystery of her aboriginal identity. Gradually her whole family is drawn in to the saga and her great-uncle, her mother and finally her grandmother tell their stories in turn.
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Sally Morgan : Talahue
Depuis Blue Mountains en Australie, Olivier BARROT présente le livre de Sally Morgan "Talahue" paru aux éditions Matailié. Sally Morgan y retrace l'histoire de son pays à travers la sienne.
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La culture manga, niveau difficile

"Manga" est un mot japonais, ça veut dire quoi en français?

'Dessin sublime'
'Image dérisoire'
'Bande dessinée'
'Le Japon vaincra'

7 questions
147 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : manga , japon , bande dessinéeCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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