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EAN : 9783822846438
256 pages
Taschen (20/06/2005)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The fashion photography of Helmut Newton. Helmut Newton once said, "Some people's photography is an art. Mine is not. If they happen to be exhibited in a gallery or a museum, that's fine. But that's not why I do them. I'm a gun for hire" ("Newsweek", 02/02/04). This prosaic proclamation from one of the 20th century's most celebrated photographers is not a little shocking, but nonetheless firmly positions Newton as the no-frills image-maker that he was. His work is s... >Voir plus
Que lire après Helmut Newton : A Gun for HireVoir plus

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Fred Vargas ou Henning Mankell

La cinquième femme ?

Fred Vargas
Henning Mankell

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