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EAN : 9781501189715
320 pages
Gallery/Scout Press (18/07/2023)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Reclusive Sally Diamond causes outrage by trying to incinerate her dead father. Now she’s the center of attention, not only from the hungry media and police detectives, but also a sinister voice from a past she does not remember. As she begins to discover the horrors of her early childhood, Sally steps into the world for the first time, making new friends, big decisions, and learning that people don’t always mean what they say.

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Interview with Liz Nugent winner of The Ireland AM Crime Fiction Book of the Year
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la mythologie grecque

Qu i sont les premiers enfants d'Ouranous et de Gaia ?

les titans
les cyclopes
les titans et les titanides
les titanides

50 questions
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