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Citations sur Mysteries of Thorn Manor (45)

« I don’t want a suitor » she replied emotion coursing through her. « I just want you, Nathaniel, not life-endangering acts of heroism, or — or priceless treasures, or even starlight in a jar. I haven’t changed my mind. I still love you. I think it’s possible I might love you even more than I did three months ago. »
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
« If anything goes wrong, I have a sword. » He took her in, his eyes sparkling. « That’s my girl »
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
«  Not every story has a happy ending, » she offered. « But most do, if you’re brave enough to keep reading to the end »
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
« Elisabeth », he said, « it has occurred to me recently that I may have neglected to express my feelings for you out loud »
« You know that I — that I love you. Apparently I’ve never expressed that to you before, in what one might call a traditionally verbal fashion »
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
One day, one of them would have to lose the other. That was what it meant to love.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00

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