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EAN : 9780062974846
320 pages
Harper Paperbacks (19/05/2020)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Lumi Santana is a chef with the gift of synesthesia—she can perceive a person’s emotions by tasting their cooking. Despite being raised by a single mother who taught her that dreams and true love were silly fairy tales, she takes a chance and puts her heart and savings into opening a fusion restaurant in Manhattan. The restaurant offers a mix of the Dominican cuisine she grew up with and other world cuisines that have been a source of culinary inspiration to her.>Voir plus
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Video de Yaffa S. Santos (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Yaffa S. Santos
Jasmine Guillory comes together on a panel with fellow romance writers Alisha Rai, Farrah Rochon, Yaffa Santos, and Jane Igharo to discuss the ins and outs of the genre. They will discuss writing, romance, and women of color protagonists. The conversation will start with discussion of the panelists’ most recent novels, including Guillory’s Party of Two, Rai’s Girl Gone Viral, Rochon’s The Boyfriend Project, Santos’ A Taste of Sage, and Igharo’s Ties That Tether. From there, the conversation could go anywhere, from the writing process, to personal inspirations, to life stories.
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Quiz Voir plus

Les nourritures livresques : la cuisine dans la littérature

Qui est l'auteur de la célèbre scène où le personnage principal est assailli de souvenirs après avoir mangé une madeleine ?

Emile Zola
Marcel Proust
Gustave Flaubert

10 questions
470 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : gastronomie , littérature , cuisineCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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