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EAN : 9781912050062
36 pages
Graffeg Limited (28/03/2019)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Meet Gaspard the Fox as he sets out one summer evening in search of adventure and something to eat. This charming and humorous picture book celebrates urban foxes and their relationship with the humans and animals they share the city with. With stunning original illustrations by award-winning children's book author James Mayhew, this is the first in a series of collaborations between Zeb and James following the adventures of Gaspard and his friends.

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Littérature et archéologie

Dans "Les Enfants de la Terre" de Jean M. Auel, quelle espèce humaine n'est pas présente tout au long du roman?

Homo sapiens
Homo neanderthalensis
Homo erectus

11 questions
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