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Cindy Kay (Autre)LLC Dreamscape Media (Autre)
EAN : 978B08RS51VQ9
Dreamscape Media, LLC (15/04/2021)
0.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
A young woman walks into an employment agency and requests a job that has the following traits: It’s close to her home, and it requires no reading, no writing, and, ideally, very little thinking.

Her first gig - watching the hidden-camera feed of an author suspected of storing contraband goods - turns out to be inconvenient. (When can she go to the bathroom?) Her next gives way to the supernatural: announcing advertisements for shops that mysteriously... >Voir plus
Que lire après There's No Such Thing as an Easy JobVoir plus

autres livres classés : langue anglaiseVoir plus

Lecteurs (6) Voir plus

Quiz Voir plus

Les mangas adaptés en anime

"Attrapez-les tous", il s'agit du slogan de :

One piece

10 questions
889 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : manga , littérature japonaiseCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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