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EAN : SIE362820_808
Albin Michel (30/11/-1)

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Video de Gérard Walter (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Gérard Walter
It is with heavy hearts that we say farewell to photographer Walter Chandoha, who passed away at the remarkable age of 98. In a prolific career spanning seven decades, his compelling and compassionate treatment of feline subjects made him the definitive cat photographer, inspiring generations of animal portraitists. Editor Reuel Golden said of Chandoha's work: “Photography isn't just about technique—although Walter was technically outstanding—it's also about the soul. What good is the eye if you don't have the heart, and Walter's pictures are an extension of his warmth and generous nature.”
TASCHEN is honored to have worked with Chandoha in his last days on our upcoming book Walter Chandoha. Cats. Photographs 1942–2018. We hope it is a worthy tribute to his incredible life and legacy.
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Video courtesy Alejandro Veciana
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Scarlett et Novak

Qu'est-ce qu'est Scarlett ?

un téléphone
un brightphone
un biphone
un sonephone

10 questions
22 lecteurs ont répondu
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