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EAN : 9781526639547
Bloomsbury Publishing (31/03/2022)
3.33/5   3 notes
Résumé :
Not all that is hidden is lost. For twelve years Aina and Whitney have been in exile on an island for a crime they committed together, tethered to a croft by pills they must take for survival every eight hours. They’ve kept busy – Aina with her garden, her jigsaw, her music; Whitney with his sculptures and maps – but something is not right. Shipwrecks have begun washing up, and their supply drops have stopped. And on the day they’re meant to be collected for parole,... >Voir plus
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Aina and Whitney have been confined to an island for twelve years for a crime they committed. They cannot move far from their cottage because they have to take a pill every eight hours to survive the toxic spores around them. They were told that they would be on parole after twelve years, and this is now but nobody comes to fetch them. Also, now, a sheep appears on their land. Aina starts having doubts about Whitney that explored the island. Is it really an island ? Did he lie ? Does he know where their son is ? When a young man and her daughter arrive at their cottage, it's Whitney's turn to have doubts. Is this man saying the truth ? Are his maps accurate ? This dystopian thriller will not end well. A story about trust, loyalty, and survival. Cruel and chilling.
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But like I said, it was worth it, all the pain. Least it was for me… Pain will be blunted by time in ways that love cannot.
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