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EAN : 978B005CYZU36
Orb Books (08/01/2005)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Lily is a photojournalist in search of the "animal people" who supposedly haunt the city's darkest slums. Hank is a slumdweller who knows the bad streets all too well. One night, in a brutal incident, their two lives collide--uptown Lily and downtown Hank, each with a quest and a role to play in the secret drama of the city's oldest inhabitants.

For the animal people walk among us. Native Americans call them the First People, but they have never left,... >Voir plus
Que lire après Someplace to be flyingVoir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
"I've given up trying to save the world," Hank said. "All I do now is try to save my small part of it - make sure my family's taken care of."
"Do you have a big family ? "
Hank smiled. "Yeah, but it's not the kind you think. It's more like a crew, people looking out for each other, caring for each other-not because nobody else will, but because we want to."
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Le coeur d'une crevette est logé dans sa tête.


11 questions
1261 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : Devinettes et énigmes , humour belge , méduse , mésolithiqueCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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