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EAN : 9780241971321
224 pages
Penguin (07/05/2015)
3.33/5   3 notes
Résumé :
From Dave Eggers, best-selling author of The Circle, a tightly controlled, emotionally searching novel. Your Fathers, Where Are They? And the Prophets, Do They Live Forever? is the formally daring, brilliantly executed story of one man struggling to make sense of his country, seeking answers the only way he knows how.

In a barracks on an abandoned military base, miles from the nearest road, Thomas watches as the man he has brought wakes up. Kev, a NAS... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Une suite de dialogues plutôt ennuyeux...
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–Don’t you think the vast majority of the chaos in the world is caused by a relatively small group of disappointed men?

–I don’t know. Could be.
–The men who haven’t gotten the work they expected to get. The men who don’t get the promotion they expected. The men who are dropped in a jungle or a desert and expected video games and got mundanity and depravity and friends dying like animals. These men can’t be left to mix with the rest of society. Something bad always happens.
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It's not human. It's not primal. So we don't understand it. It's a more recent mutation. The things we all have, love and hate and passion, and the need to eat and yell and screw, these are things every human has. But there's this new mutation, this ability to stand between a human being and some small measure of justice and blame it on some regulation. To say that the form was filled out incorrectly.
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Videos de Dave Eggers (6) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Dave Eggers
Philippe vous présente deux coups de coeur ! - le premier est La parade de Dave Eggers aux éditions Gallimard A retrouver sur notre site : - le second est Au nord du monde de Marcel Theroux aux éditions Zulma A retrouver sur notre site :
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Dead or Alive ?

Harlan Coben

Alive (vivant)
Dead (mort)

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