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EAN : 9781844881512
440 pages
Penguin Ireland (13/05/2010)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
In the latest thrilling collaboration from New York Times bestselling author and “Queen of Suspense” Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke, television producer Laurie Moran must solve the kidnapping of her fiancée’s nephew—just days before her wedding. Television producer Laurie Moran and her fiancée, Alex Buckley, the former host of her investigative television show, are just days away from their mid-summer wedding, when things take a dark turn. Alex’s seven-year-ol... >Voir plus
Que lire après Pieces of my heartVoir plus

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Quiz Voir plus

Retrouvez le bon adjectif dans le titre - (6 - polars et thrillers )

Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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Thèmes : littérature , thriller , romans policiers et polarsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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