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Alpha et Omega tome 6 sur 9
355 pages

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Can be Read as Standalone.

Fagin Mars, alpha-heir of his father's pack, had two possible life paths. On the one hand, he could do what his father demanded; mate with a female wolf shifter and take over the pack or...something else entirely. Fagin was opting for option two. After a terse exchange with his father, Fagin gets permission to go on a road trip for thirty days. He wants to find his true mate. It shouldn't be that hard, should it?

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Que lire après Alpha et Omega, tome 6 : Fagin's FollyVoir plus

autres livres classés : road tripVoir plus

Quiz Voir plus

Un quiz plein d'étoiles (titres en littérature)

Quel écrivain, auteur de "Croc-Blanc", publie, en 1915, un roman fantastique intitulé "Le vagabond des étoiles" ?

Jack London
Romain Gary
Ernest Hemingway

10 questions
139 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature française , littérature américaine , bande dessinée , culture générale , poésie , étoile , littérature , livres , romanCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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