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EAN : 9781474602266
512 pages
Weidenfeld & Nicolson (27/10/2017)
2.5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
The panic began early in 1692, over an exceptionally raw Massachusetts winter, when a minister's niece began to writhe and roar. It spread quickly, confounding the most educated men and prominent politicians in the colony. Neighbors accused neighbors, husbands accused wives, parents and children one another. It ended less than a year later, but not before nineteen men and women had been hanged and an elderly man crushed to death.

Speaking loudly and e... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Witches : Salem, 1692Voir plus

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Des femmes formidables

Quelle était la profession d'Hélène Boucher (1908-1934) ?

Charcutière (elle a inventé la paupiette auto-ficelée)
Animatrice sur C8
Chanteuse de rock

20 questions
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